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2022-08-21 09:30 -
09:30-10:00 Opening ceremony
Room: Dahlia
Room: Dahlia
2022-08-21 10:00 -
10:00-11:00 Session 1: Keynote Speech: Ms. Sachiko Nakajima
Chair: Jaana Holvikivi (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Jaana Holvikivi (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Room: Dahlia
[1-1] Possibilities of CoCreative STEAM Ecosystem in the 21st Century, to Democratize
2022-08-21 11:00 -
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
2022-08-21 11:30 -
11:30-13:00 Session 2B: Workshop Session: Practical online method of situated learning for programming involving interaction with a computer
Chair: Yoshiaki Nakano (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1

Chair: Yoshiaki Nakano (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1
[2B-1] Practical Online Method of Situated Learning for Programming Involving Interaction with a Computer
11:30-13:00 Session 2C: Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education
Chair: Shizuka Shirai (Osaka University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Shizuka Shirai (Osaka University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
[2C-1] How Mature is m-Learning in an Educational Institution?
[2C-2] Stress from COVID-19 Disaster and Awareness of Learning: A Case Study of Japanese University Students
[2C-3] How ICT Tools Support a Course Centered on International Collaboration Classes
11:30-13:00 Session 2D: Computing Education in Secondary and Higher Education
Chair: Tomohiro Inagaki (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Tomohiro Inagaki (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
[2D-1] A Proposal for Intermediate Content: Transition from Visual to Text-Based Languages
[2D-2] Evaluation of a System for Generating Programming Problems Using Form Services
[2D-3] How to Quickly Acquire Basic Knowledge in Introductory Programming with PBL: Clarify the Relationship Between Drawing Materials and Textbooks
11:30-13:00 Session 2E: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Tetsuro Kakeshita (Saga University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
Chair: Tetsuro Kakeshita (Saga University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
[2E-1] Information Design Education as Unplugged Computer Science using School Library: Exercises of Information Organization Based on LATCH
[2E-2] Educational Support to Develop Socially Disadvantaged Young People's Digital Skills and Competencies: An Exploration on Collaborative Relationship's Contribution toward Young People’s Empowerment
[2E-3] Building Primary School Teachers “Technology” Capacity for STEM Programs
11:30-13:00 Session 2F: Poster Session: Learning with Digital Technologies
Chair: Keiji Emi (Keihousha, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Keiji Emi (Keihousha, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
[2F-1] An Interactive 3D CG Visualization of Speech Organs for Speech Therapy Education using MetaHuman
[2F-2] Practical Experiences of Using ICT for Online Architectural Design Classes Linking up Five Japanese Technical Colleges
[2F-3] ShadowingPlayerPlus: Pronunciation Learning Application with Automatic Feedback/Repeat - Easy Pronunciation Exercise Method
[2F-4] Training of Central Vein Catheterization in Virtual Reality with Real-Time Cross Section Visualization of an Anatomical Model
[2F-5] Creating Effective Student Engagement in the Digital Learning Environment by Using MOOCs and Gamification Concepts
[2F-6] Different Time Zones, Different Cultures and Active Learning: Teaching Software Engineering Online
[2F-7] ParoTone : Development of a System to Build a Relationship Between Imitating and Being Imitated by Instrumentalists through an Intuitive Interface
[2F-8] Evaluating Course Grading Fairness in Comparison of Learning Activity Logs Before and After COVID-19
11:30-13:00 Session 2G: Paper Session: Computing education in elementary and primary schools
Chair: Takahiro Sumiya (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Takahiro Sumiya (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
[2G-1] Research on Enhancing Computational Thinking of Elementary School Student
[2G-2] Developing Gender-Neutral Programming Materials: A Case Study of Children in Lower Grades of Primary School
[2G-3] Robotics in Primary Education: a Lexical Analysis of Teachers' Resources Across Robots
2022-08-21 13:00 -
13:00-14:00 Session 3: Sponsored Symposium: LAC
Chair: Atsushi Hikita (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Atsushi Hikita (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
2022-08-21 14:00 -
14:00-16:00 Session 4A: Plenary Session: A panel session on Japanese education policy about ICTs and Society 5.0
Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
14:00-16:00 Session 4F: Symposium Session: Educating All Teachers in Informatics: Necessities and Strategies Part I
Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Matthias Kramer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room A

Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Matthias Kramer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room A
[4F-1] Educating All Teachers in Informatics: Necessities and Strategies
14:00-16:00 Session 4G: Learning with Digital Technologies
Chair: Pieter Hogenbirk (Projectbureau Odino BV, Netherlands)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Pieter Hogenbirk (Projectbureau Odino BV, Netherlands)
Room: Conference room B
[4G-1] Analysis of Facial Expressions for the Estimation of Concentration on Online Lectures
[4G-2] Using a Cloud-Based Video Platform for Pre-Service Teachers' Reflection
[4G-3] Enhanced Online Academic Success and Self-Regulation Through Learning Analytics Dashboards
2022-08-21 16:00 -
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Poster Presentation core time and Coffee break
Room: B1 Lobby
Room: B1 Lobby
2022-08-21 16:30 -
16:30-18:00 Session 5A: Symposium Session: Japanese Sessions on ICT in Education with GIGA school Program
Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
[5A-1] Japanese Lessons on ICT in Education with GIGA School Program
16:30-18:00 Session 5B: Symposium Session: Features of Innovative use of Technology during the COVID-19 Period in India
Chair: Amina Charania (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
Room: Cosmos-1

Chair: Amina Charania (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
Room: Cosmos-1
[5B-1] Features of Innovative Use of Technology During the COVID-19 Period in India
16:30-18:00 Session 5C: Informatics in Secondary and Higher Education
Chair: Christophe Reffay (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Christophe Reffay (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
Room: Cosmos-2
[5C-1] What Students Can Learn About Artificial Intelligence - Recommendations for K12 Computing Education
[5C-2] How Do Students Learn in an Online Programming Course?
[5C-3] Web Application Development Achievement: Clarifying the Relationship Between Visual GUI Design and Textual Programming
16:30-18:00 Session 5E: National Session: Shedding Light on Shadow: Leveraging Global Open Source and Open Standard for K-12 and Higher Education
Chair: Shoji Kajita (Kyoto University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2

Chair: Shoji Kajita (Kyoto University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
[5E-1] Shedding Light on Shadow: Leveraging Global Open Source and Open Standard for K12 and Higher Education
16:30-18:00 Session 5F: Symposium Session: Educating All Teachers in Informatics: Necessities and Strategies Part II
Chair: Matthias Kramer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room A

Chair: Matthias Kramer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room A
[5F-1] Educating All Teachers in Informatics: Necessities and Strategies (Symposium Session Part II)
[5F-2] Foundations of Computer Science in General Teacher Education – Findings and Experiences from a Blended-Learning Course
16:30-18:00 Session 5G: Panel Session: Informatics Reference Framework for School
Chair: Mary Webb (King's College London, United Kingdom) Don Passey (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Room: Conference room B

Chair: Mary Webb (King's College London, United Kingdom) Don Passey (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Room: Conference room B
[5G-1] Panel Session Informatics Reference Framework for School
2022-08-21 18:15 -
18:15-19:45 Welcome reception
Room: Dahlia
Room: Dahlia
2022-08-22 10:00 -
10:00-11:00 Session 6: Keynote Speech: H.E. Audrey Tang
Chair: Don Passey (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Don Passey (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Room: Dahlia
[6-1] Creativity, Computing Power, and Children's Future in Civil Society of the 21st Century (tentative)
2022-08-22 11:00 -
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Poster Presentation core time and Morning break
Room: B1 Lobby
Room: B1 Lobby
2022-08-22 11:30 -
11:30-13:00 Session 7A: Special Session by SOI Asia: Open Science for Collaborative Society
Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
[7A-1] Open Science for a Collaborative Society
11:30-13:00 Session 7B: National Session: Shedding Light on Shadow: Leveraging Global Open Source and Open Standard for K-12 and Higher Education II
Chair: Hiroyoshi Watanabe (Teikyo University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1

Chair: Hiroyoshi Watanabe (Teikyo University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1
[7B-1] Shedding Light on Shadow: Leveraging Global Open Source and Open Standard for K12 and Higher Education Part II
11:30-13:00 Session 7C: Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education
Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
[7C-1] Distance Learning in Sports: Collaborative Learning in Ice Hockey Acquisition Processes
[7C-2] Digital Object-Based Learning with Curated Resources in University Museums and Libraries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
[7C-3] Development Plan and Trial of Japanese Language e-Learning System Focusing on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Suitable for Digital Education
[7C-4] An Easy-to-Use Screen Capturing Tool for Supporting in-Class CS Learning Activity
[7C-5] Comparison of Teaching Environment in Hybrid-Flexible Class
11:30-13:00 Session 7D: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Takeo Tatsumi (The Open University of Japan, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Takeo Tatsumi (The Open University of Japan, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
[7D-1] Trends of Checklist Survey of Computer Operational Skills for First-Year Students: Over the Past Four Years
[7D-2] Response to Online Classes at Dokkyo University
[7D-3] An Analysis of Practical Example in Real-Time Online Classes of Fundamental Course for the Universe in a Flipped Classroom Format Using Digital Diamond Mandala Matrix
[7D-4] National Policies and Services for Digital Competence Advancement in Estonia
11:30-13:00 Session 7E: Workshop Session: Non-English-based programming
Chair: Takahiro Sumiya (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2

Chair: Takahiro Sumiya (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
[7E-1] Non-English-Based Programming
11:30-13:00 Session 7F: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Yoshiaki Nakano (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Yoshiaki Nakano (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
[7F-1] Evaluation of a Data Structure Viewer for Educational Practice
[7F-2] Development of Education Curriculum in the Data Science Area for a Liberal Arts University
[7F-3] Improving Motivation in Undergraduate Data Science Education by Using Dilemma Problems
2022-08-22 13:00 -
13:00-14:00 Session 8: Sponsored Symposium: Benesse corp.
Chair: Sayaka Tohyama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Sayaka Tohyama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
2022-08-22 14:00 -
14:00-16:00 Session 9A: Special Session by National Institute of Informatics, Japan: A Poster Session for nominated secondary High-school students
Room: Dahlia

Room: Dahlia
14:00-16:00 Session 9B: National Session: Digital Technologies in a STEM Curriculum
Chair: Pieter Hogenbirk (Projectbureau Odino BV, Netherlands)
Room: Cosmos-1

Chair: Pieter Hogenbirk (Projectbureau Odino BV, Netherlands)
Room: Cosmos-1
[9B-1] Digital Technologies in a STEM Curriculum
14:00-16:00 Session 9C: Learning with Digital Technologies in Secondary and Higher Education
Chair: Therese Keane (Swinbune, Australia)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Therese Keane (Swinbune, Australia)
Room: Cosmos-2
[9C-1] LeaP- Quest in Madrasahs of West Bengal, India during COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives, Opportunities, and Challenges
[9C-2] Digital Education in the Post-COVID Era: Challenges and Opportunities to Explore
[9C-3] Design and Performance of Video Interview in a MOOC
[9C-4] Users’ Satisfaction and Effectiveness in Practice of e-Learning: Midlands State University, Zimbabwe Case Study
[9C-5] Text-Mining Analysis of What Students Think about e-Learning and Face-to-Face Class on Account of COVID-19
14:00-16:00 Session 9D: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Mikko Ruohonen (Tampere University, Finland)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Mikko Ruohonen (Tampere University, Finland)
Room: Ran-1
[9D-1] Development and Evaluation of a Field Environment Digest System for Agricultural Education
[9D-2] Developing Teaching and Learning Innovations; a Case Study of Indo-Finnish Collaboration
[9D-3] Where Is Technology in the ‘Golden Thread’ of Teacher Professional Development?
[9D-4] Professional, Higher and Vocational Education in ICT: IFIP WG3.4 Working Conference Papers over the Years
14:00-16:00 Session 9E: Informatics in Primary Education: Approaches, Current Issues and Lessons Learnt (Symposium)
Chair: Ivan Kalas (Comenius University, Slovakia)
Room: Ran-2

Chair: Ivan Kalas (Comenius University, Slovakia)
Room: Ran-2
[9E-1] Informatics in Primary Education: Approaches, Current Issues and Lessons Learnt (Symposium Session Part I)
14:00-16:00 Session 9F: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Andrew Fluck (Independent Educator, Australia)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Andrew Fluck (Independent Educator, Australia)
Room: Conference room A
[9F-1] Improvement of Fill-in-the-blank Questions for Object-Oriented Programming Education
[9F-2] Automated Reporting of Code Quality Issues in Student Submissions
[9F-3] Mitigating Accidental Code Plagiarism in a Programming Course Through Code Referencing
[9F-4] Coding Education for Adults Using Distance Learning in Japan
[9F-5] Programming Education at Tokyo Online University
14:00-16:00 Session 9G: Poster Session: Learning with Digital Technologies
Chair: Shoji Kajita (Kyoto University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Shoji Kajita (Kyoto University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
[9G-1] Hybrid Mode of Counseling for Student Startups – a Success Story of University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad (UASD), India
[9G-2] Prediction of Engagement from Temporal Changes in Facial Expression
[9G-3] A Practical Report of Online Class between Japan and the Philippines in COVID-19
[9G-4] The Research for Supporting Gifted and Talented Pupils in Metaverse
[9G-5] Rubric Self-Assessment System for Technical Standards
[9G-6] E-Readiness of Teachers and Scientists of Farm Universities : a Case Study in India
[9G-7] Detection of Synchronized Head Movements from a Single Classroom-Scene Video
[9G-8] Proposal for a Flipped Classroom Model to Promote Autonomous Learning
[9G-9] Problem-Solving University Educational Program Using Collaboration between Medicine and Design
[9G-10] Imagine, a Smartphone Costs ¥100,000,000...
2022-08-22 16:00 -
16:00-17:30 Session 10A: Workshop Session: Computational Thinking in Teacher Education
Chair: Seiichi Tani (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Seiichi Tani (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
[10A-1] Workshop Computational Thinking in Teacher Education
16:00-17:00 Session 10B: Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education
Chair: Mart Laanpere (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Room: Cosmos-1
Chair: Mart Laanpere (Tallinn University, Estonia)
Room: Cosmos-1
[10B-1] EdTech as an Empowering Tool: Designing Digital Learning Environments to Extend the Action Space for Learning and Foster Digital Agency
[10B-2] Five Years of Experience in Improvement of a Technical English Class Using Information Technologies
[10B-3] Transnational Pedagogy and Global Teaching of Noh Theatre: Initial Reflection on Teaching Noh Theatre Online During the Pandemic (from Philippines to Canada)
16:00-17:00 Session 10C: Learning with Digital Technologies
Chair: Rosa Maria Bottino (ITD-CNR, Italy)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Rosa Maria Bottino (ITD-CNR, Italy)
Room: Cosmos-2
[10C-1] Event Style Preferences in Medical Research Meetings in Japan
[10C-2] Simulating Fieldwork “in Action” through Digital Technology among Ferris University Students
16:00-17:00 Session 10D: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions (Higher Education)
Chair: Nicholas Mavengere (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Nicholas Mavengere (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)
Room: Ran-1
[10D-1] A Scoping Review on The State-of-art Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics in Prediction of Students’ Learning Performance
[10D-2] Implementation and Evaluation of University Information Placement Test in Japan
16:00-17:00 Session 10E: Informatics in Primary Education: Approaches, Current Issues and Lessons Learnt (Symposium)
Chair: Ivan Kalas (Comenius University, Slovakia)
Room: Ran-2

Chair: Ivan Kalas (Comenius University, Slovakia)
Room: Ran-2
[10E-1] Informatics in Primary Education: Approaches, Current Issues and Lessons Learnt (Symposium Session Part II)
16:00-17:00 Session 10F: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Arno Pasternak (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Arno Pasternak (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Room: Conference room A
[10F-1] Multiple Platform Problems in Online Teaching of Informatics in General Education Faced by Part-time Faculty Members
[10F-2] The Tools Which Assist "Creating Questionsthrough Interaction with a Computer"
[10F-3] Comparison of Academic Impacts of Online Classes in the Real-Time Setting with the On-Demand Viewing Model
16:00-17:00 Session 10G: Poster Session: Computing Education
Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
[10G-1] Visualizing Information Security Controls Using Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays
[10G-2] Hands-On Training to Configure Communication Networks with GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator - 3) Web Server for 40 Senior High School Students in a Class (Demonstration Included)
[10G-3] Effective Case Studies of Supporting Class by Engineers in Company at Tokyo P-TECH
[10G-4] Analysis of Learning Patterns and Final Grades in an Online University and a Study of Appropriate Intervention Methods for Students
[10G-5] Development of a Coding Skill Training System Using "Clone Coding"
[10G-6] Using Machine Learning to Analyze Keystroke Dynamics for Programming Proficiency
[10G-7] Implementation and Teaching Plan of Spreadsheet Application for Basic Education of Artificial Intelligence.
[10G-8] The Cyberethics Grade Comformation System for Shibboleth Federated LMS
[10G-9] An AI-Based Chatbot for Programming Education on the Colaboratory
2022-08-22 17:00 -
17:00-18:00 Working Group AGM 3.4
Room: Conference room B
Room: Conference room B
2022-08-22 18:30 -
18:30-21:00 Banquet at Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima (4F Royan Hall)
2022-08-23 08:30 -
08:30-13:00 Morning Social Program 3 (MAZDA Museum)
2022-08-23 09:00 -
09:00-13:00 Morning Social Program 1 (Miyajima)
09:00-13:00 Morning Social Program 2 (High Schools)
09:00-13:00 Morning Social Program 4 (Walk-tour: Hiroshima Castle, Shukkeien Garden)
2022-08-23 13:00 -
13:00-14:00 Session 12: Sponsored Symposium: Fujitsu
Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Toshinori Saito (Seisa University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
2022-08-23 14:00 -
14:00-15:30 Session 13: Keynote Speech: Dr. Michael Koelling
Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Rosa Maria Bottino (ITD-CNR, Italy)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Torsten Brinda (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Rosa Maria Bottino (ITD-CNR, Italy)
Room: Dahlia
[13-1] Computing for All - Some Thoughts on the What, Why and How
2022-08-23 15:30 -
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
2022-08-23 16:00 -
16:00-18:00 Session 14A: Workshop Session: Designing Digital Credentials for Validating IT skills: A case for i-Competency Dictionary
Chair: Masumi Hori (CCC TIES, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Masumi Hori (CCC TIES, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan)
Room: Dahlia
[14A-1] Designing Digital Credentials for Validating IT skills --a Case for i-Competency Dictionary --
16:00-18:00 Session 14B: Panel Session: Zanzibar Declaration on ‘Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of rapidly Emerging Technologies’
Chair: Johannes Magenheim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Room: Cosmos-1

Chair: Johannes Magenheim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Room: Cosmos-1
[14B-1] Zanzibar Declaration Workshop on ‘Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of Rapidly Emerging Technologies’ at the WCCE 2022
16:00-18:00 Session 14C: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Ana Amélia Carvalho (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Ana Amélia Carvalho (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Room: Cosmos-2
[14C-1] Universities of the Future and Industrial Revolution 4.0: the Academy Transformation
[14C-2] Instructional Methodologies for Lifelong Learning Applied to a Sage Pastel First-Year Module
16:00-18:00 Session 14D: Learning with Digital Technologies in Secondary and Primary Education
Chair: Eric Sanchez (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Eric Sanchez (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Room: Ran-1
[14D-1] Indicators of Learning Enhancement Factors in Educational Mobile Apps Used in Informal Settings
[14D-2] Predictive Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Functionalities of Software: a Study of Apps for Children’s Learning of English Pronunciation
[14D-3] A Workshop of a Digital Kamishibai System for Children and Analysis of Children’s Works
[14D-4] Digital Technologies for Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Tackling the Perennial Problem of Policy and Practice
[14D-5] Proposal of Disaster Prevention Simulation Game Using VR: Disaster Prevention Education from “Boring” to “Fun”
16:00-18:00 Session 14E: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Jaana Holvikivi (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Room: Ran-2
Chair: Jaana Holvikivi (Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Room: Ran-2
[14E-1] A Feasibility Study on Learning of Object-Oriented Programming Based on Fairy Tales
[14E-2] AI Ethics with Emphasis on Philosophy and History of Science
[14E-3] Gender-Inclusive Learning Materials for Programming Focused on Data Visualization
[14E-4] Curriculum Standard of Informatics in General Education at Universities in Japan
[14E-5] Changes in Attitude towards Mobile App Development: a Preliminary Comparison between MIT App Inventor and Android Studio
16:00-18:00 Session 14F: Computing Education in Secondary Schools
Chair: Gerald Futschek (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Gerald Futschek (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Room: Conference room A
[14F-1] Generalization in Programming Classes
[14F-2] The Impact of Tolerance for Ambiguity on Algorithmic Problem Solving in Computer Science Lessons
[14F-3] Introducing AI Literacy in Schools: A Review of Pedagogical Approaches, Formats, Competence Areas, Evaluation Methods, and Inclusion of Data Literacy
[14F-4] Literacy from Python 2
16:00-18:00 Session 14G: Computing Education in Elementary and Primary Schools
Chair: Tilman Michaeli (TU Munich, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Tilman Michaeli (TU Munich, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
[14G-1] How Elementary School Students Experienced Algorithms: Using Sorting Algorithms Online Learning Tool
[14G-2] What Is the Consequence of Getting a Greater Sense of Empowerment? – Longitudinal Cohort Study of Early Programming Education in Japan During the ’80s and ’90s –
[14G-3] Symbiotic Approach to Mathematical and Computational Thinking
[14G-4] Implications for Computer Science Curricula in Primary School: A Comparative Study of Sequences in England, South Korea, and New Zealand
2022-08-23 18:00 -
18:00-19:00 Working Group AGM 3.7
Room: Conference room B
Room: Conference room B
2022-08-24 09:00 -
09:00-10:30 Session 16: Keynote Speech Dr. Hiroaki Ogata
Chair: Javier Osorio Acosta (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
Room: Dahlia

Chair: Javier Osorio Acosta (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
Room: Dahlia
[16-1] Data and Evidence-Informed Education and Learning in Post COVID-19
2022-08-24 10:30 -
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
2022-08-24 11:00 -
11:00-13:00 Session 17B: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Shizuka Shirai (Osaka University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1
Chair: Shizuka Shirai (Osaka University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-1
[17B-1] Comparison of Causality-Influenced Logic Misreads by Nationality, Education, Occupation, and Gender
[17B-2] A Social Media Simulator for Media Literacy Education in Japanese schools and universities
[17B-3] A Practice of Game Exercises in Information Security Education
[17B-4] Cross-Validating Four Measures of Technology Integration: Stages of Adoption, CBAM LoU, ACOT, and TPACK Core
11:00-13:00 Session 17C: Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education and for Life-long Learning
Chair: Chengjiu Yin (Kobe University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Chengjiu Yin (Kobe University, Japan)
Room: Cosmos-2
[17C-1] A System to Realize Time- and Location-Independent Teaching and Learning among Learners through Learning-Articles
[17C-2] Awareness Support with Mutual Stimulation among People to Enrich Group Discussion in AIR-VAS
[17C-3] An Approach to Personalized Quiz Based Learning
[17C-4] Time-Shifting Method to Mitigate the Stagnation of Discussions to Promote Collaboration on SNS
[17C-5] Understanding the Stakeholder Perspectives on Assessing Educators' Digital Competence
11:00-13:00 Session 17D: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Seiichi Tani (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Seiichi Tani (Nihon University, Japan)
Room: Ran-1
[17D-1] An Evaluation of the Flipped Classroom Approach toward Programming Education
[17D-2] Cycles in State Transition as Trial-and-Errors in Solving Programming Exercises
[17D-3] Design and Practice of an Elective Python Programming Course in General Education
[17D-4] A Preliminary Report on Novice Programming with Natural Language Translation
[17D-5] Teaching Computer Science Unplugged in Online for Undergraduate College Students
11:00-13:00 Session 17F: Computing Education in Secondary Schools
Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Akimasa Takenaka (Nara Women's University, Japan)
Room: Conference room A
[17F-1] Curriculum Development and Practice of Application Creation Incorporating AI Functions; Learning During After-School Hours
[17F-2] The Current State of Computer Education across the Australian Schools System
[17F-3] Pedagogical Adaptation to ICT in Australia
[17F-4] PICAPICA Z: An Interactive Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Combination of Programming, Networking and Arts
11:00-13:00 Session 17G: Computing Education in Elementary, Primary and Secondary Schools
Chair: Sayaka Tohyama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Sayaka Tohyama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Room: Conference room B
[17G-1] ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) Education on Digital Technologies: In the Field of Elementary and Secondary Education
[17G-2] Learning Effects of a Coding-Based Board Game for Beginning Students Learning to Program
[17G-3] Using R Language to Analyze Programming Learning Process of Ai. R-Cord Utilizing AR
[17G-4] Reflection Support with Summarized Screen Recordings of the Visual Programming Tool
[17G-5] Validity of Animation When Finding Errors by Chuggington
2022-08-24 13:00 -
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
2022-08-24 14:00 -
14:00-16:00 Session 19A: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Michael Weigend (WWU Münster, Germany)
Room: Dahlia
Chair: Michael Weigend (WWU Münster, Germany)
Room: Dahlia
[19A-1] Characterization of Knowledge Transactions in Design-Based Research’S Workshops
[19A-2] Digitalisation of Education in the Global South: Conditions and Concerns
[19A-3] An Alternative Perspective on Computer Self-Efficacy Based on Group and Gender Composition
[19A-4] Digital Literacy in Formal Education over the Past Decade: A Systematic Review
14:00-16:00 Session 19B: Digital education in schools, universities, and other educational institutions
Chair: Therese Keane (Swinbune, Australia)
Room: Cosmos-1
Chair: Therese Keane (Swinbune, Australia)
Room: Cosmos-1
[19B-1] High School Students’ Approaches to Cheating in Remote Education During COVID-19 Pandemic in the Czech Republic
[19B-2] The Role of Technology in Communities of Learning Collaboration and Support
14:00-16:00 Session 19C: Learning with Digital Technologies in Higher Education
Chair: Kleopatra Nikolopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Room: Cosmos-2
Chair: Kleopatra Nikolopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Room: Cosmos-2
[19C-1] A Taxonomy of Video Genres for Use in Education
[19C-2] Tracking Epistemic Interactions from Online Game-Based Learning
[19C-3] A Conceptual Framework for Automatic Generation of Examinations using Machine Learning Algorithms in Learning Management Systems
[19C-4] Layers of Knowledge Leading to E-Portfolios
[19C-5] General Model for Design of an Integrated Learning Record Store System as Infrastructure in Learning Analytics on a University
14:00-16:00 Session 19D: Computing Education in Higher Education
Chair: Catherine Mooney (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Room: Ran-1
Chair: Catherine Mooney (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Room: Ran-1
[19D-1] Improving a Model-Based Software Engineering Capstone Course
[19D-2] Visualizing Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram of Java Program in VR Space
[19D-3] Scaffolding Task Planning Using Abstract Parsons Problems
[19D-4] IDE Interactions of Novices Transitioning between Programming Environments
14:00-16:00 Session 19E: Digital education in schools, universities, and other higher education institutions)
Chair: Hiroyuki Nagataki (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
Chair: Hiroyuki Nagataki (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Room: Ran-2
[19E-1] A Comparative Study of Different LMSs Used at Dokkyo University
[19E-2] Digital Innovation in Assessment during Lockdown: Perspectives of Higher Education Teachers in Portugal
[19E-3] Analysis of the Process by Which University Faculty Members Come to Accept the In Assistant Faculty Development Support System and Use it to Reflect on and Improve Their Classes
[19E-4] A Study of Measurement of Mentoring Activities Using Text Mining Technology
14:00-16:00 Session 19F: Learning with Digital Technologies in Secondary Education
Chair: Margaret Leahy (Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland)
Room: Conference room A
Chair: Margaret Leahy (Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland)
Room: Conference room A
[19F-1] Using the SAMR Model as an Enabler to Computer Literacy for Grade 8 to 11 Learners in a Community Outreach Project
[19F-2] Fostering Students’ Resilience. Analyses Towards Factors of Individual Resilience in the Computer and Information Literacy Domain.
[19F-3] Bridging the Learning Gap through Constructivist Teaching and Learning with Technology
[19F-4] Creating an English Language Education System for High School Students Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory
[19F-5] The Paradox of Creativity
14:00-16:00 Session 19G: Computing Education in Secondary Schools
Chair: Christine Bescherer (Paedagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
Chair: Christine Bescherer (Paedagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Germany)
Room: Conference room B
[19G-1] Twenty Years of Object Orientation -- A Case Study for NRW in Germany
[19G-2] Assessing Engagement of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Educational Robotics Activities
2022-08-24 16:00 -
16:00-17:00 Closing Session
Room: Dahlia
Room: Dahlia